00 - PHP Table of Contents

  1. Introduction of PHP
  2. Requirement of PHP
  3. Basics of PHP
  4. Introduction of MVC in PHP
  5. Working with Strings
  6. Working with Arrays
    1. Single Dimensional array
    2. Multidimensional array
    3. Associative array
  1. Functions in PHP  
    1. Pre defined functions
    2. User defined functions
    3. String functions
    4. Date functions
  2. OOP concepts in PHP
  3. Regular Expressions, Data Validation and Exception Handling
  4. Working with forms in PHP
  5. File Handling in PHP
  6. Database Concepts in PHP
  7. MySql and PHP connectivity
  8. Working with sessions and cookies
  9. Security in PHP
  10. Installation and configuration PHP
  11. Testing and debugging PHP application
  12. User authentication in PHP
  13. Mini Sample Codes in PHP
    1. PHP and MySql Connectivity
    2. Login Page and authentication




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