Chapter 1: Data Models
- Object oriented model
- Record based logical model
- Relation model
Chapter 2: Relational operators
- Restrict
- Project
- Product
- Union
- Intersect
- Divide
- Difference
- Join
Chapter 3: Normalizing and denormalizing data
- Data Redundancy
- Normalization Types
- Understanding denormalization
Chapter 4: Overview of SQL Server
- Introduction to SQL Server
- Role of the Database server
- SQL Server components
- SQL Server integration with the .NET Framework
- Features of SQL Server
- SQL statements
Chapter 5: Identifying SQL Server Tools
- SQL Server Management Studio
- SQL Server Business Intelligent Development Studio
- Database Engine Tuning Advisor
- SQL Server Configuration Manager
- SQL Server Profiler
Chapter 6: Retrieving Data
- Identifying the Data types
- Retrieving Specific attributes
- Retrieving Selected Rows
Chapter 7: Functions for customizing the result set
- Using String Functions
- Using Date Functions
- Using Mathematical Functions
- Using Ranking Functions
- Using System Functions
Chapter 8: Summarizing and Grouping Data
- Use of Aggregate Functions
- Grouping Data
Chapter 9: Querying data using joins
- Using an Inner join
- Using an Outer join
- Using a cross join
- Using an equi join
- Using a self join
Chapter 10: Querying Data by using sub queries
- Using the IN and EXISTS keywords
- Using modified comparison operators
- Using Aggregate Functions
- Using Nested Subqueries
- Using Correlated Subqueries
- Using the APPLY operator
Chapter 11: Managing Databases
- Identifying System Databases in SQL server
- Identifying the Database Files
- Creating User – Defined database
- Renaming a User – Defined database
- Dropping a User – Defined database
Chapter 12: Managing Tables
- Create table
- Implement Data Integrity
- Creating a partitioned table
- Modifying a table
- Renaming table
- Dropping table
Chapter 13: Manipulating Data though DML statements
- Storing data in a table
- Updating data in a table
- Deleting data from a table
- Retrieving the data
- Comparing and updating data
Chapter 14: Manipulating XML Data
- Storing XML data in a table
- Retrieving table data into XML format
- Modifying XML Data
Chapter 15: Creating Indexes
- Identifying the types of indexes
- Creating indexes
- Creating XML Indexes
- Creating partitioned indexes
- Managing indexes
Chapter 16: Creating and managing views
- Creating Views
- Managing Views
- Indexing Views
- Creating distributed partitioned views
- Understanding Catalog Views
Chapter 17: Implementing a full text search
- Configuring full text search
- Searching data using the full text search
Chapter 18: Implementing Batches
- Creating Batches
- Using Constructs
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
Chapter 19: Implementing Stored Procedures
- Creating Stored Procedures
- Creating Parameterized Stored Procedures
- Returning Values from the Stored Procedures
- Calling a procedure from another procedure
Chapter 20: Implementing Functions
- Creating user defined functions
- Creating Scalar Functions
- Creating Table Valued Functions
Chapter 21: Triggers
- Implementing Triggers
- Creating Triggers
- Managing Triggers
Chapter 22: Implementing Transactions
- Creating Transactions
- Reverting Transactions
- Implementing Transaction integrity
- Resolving Deadlocks
Chapter 23: Implementing Managed Code
- Introduction to SQL Server CLR Integration
- Identifying the need for managed code
- Importing and configuring assemblies
- Creating managed database objects
Chapter 24: Message based communication
- Introduction to Service Broker
- Introduction to Service Broker conservation process
Chapter 25: Implementing Service Broker
- Creating Messages
- Creating Queues
- Creating Contracts
- Creating Services
- Beginning a conversation
- Sending and receiving messages