For the example in this tutorial we will be using Eclipse Kepler for Java EE and Axis2 for development and as a web server we will be using Tomcat 7.
We start by downloading Eclipse Kepler from:
Once we have Eclipse, we can download Axis2 1.6.2 from and extract it in any folder, for instance: D:\tutorial\WebServices\axis2-1.6.2
The last thing we need now is a web server, we can use Tomcat 7, you can download it from: and extract it in any folder, for instance: D:\tutorial\WebServices\apache-tomcat-7.0.52
Let’s open Eclipse and let’s configure Axis2, in Eclipse go to: Window/Preference
In the Preferences window, select WebServices / Axis2 preferences and select the runtime for Axis2 and click OK.
Once we have Axis2 configured, let’s create a new Dynamic Web Project:
Select a name for the project; in our case we will use the name: WebServiceDemo.
Now that we have set up our web service project name, let’s create a new runtime by clicking on New Runtime
On the New Server Runtime Environment window, select Apache Tomcat 7 and click Next.